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Baddha Konasana or Cobblers Pose - Restorative Yoga Poses #4

This week we explore the restorative yoga pose of Cobblers Pose or Baddha Konasana as it is known in Sanskrit as part of our Top 10 Restorative Yoga Poses to Relieve Stress series where we introduced one restorative yoga pose each week.

As always, we recommend that you stay in these poses for a minimum of 5 minutes. The longer the better as it takes a while for your body to relax and absorb the benefits of the pose.

Cobblers Pose

Sanskrit name : Baddha Konasana

Baddha Konasana or Cobblers Pose - Restorative Yoga Poses

Benefits : This yoga pose can help relieve discomforts in menstruation, improve the functioning of your digestive system and stimulate the reproductive organs. It gives both your inner thighs and groin a good stretch, enhancing the flexibility of your hips, feet, ankles and knees. This pose greatly benefits pregnant women, helping them have a smooth and easy delivery.

Set up : From a seated position, bend your knees and draw your heels in. Bring the soles of your feet together and allow your knees to drop open on both sides. Hold the soles of your feet and open them up like a book. Stay seated with your spine upright for a few breaths. You might move from side to side to massage your hips. As you fold forward in this posture, lead with the heart until you reach the edge of your flexibility then let the back round and drop the head. Never force your knees down.

Modifications / Variations : Raise your pelvis by sitting on a blanket. Place blocks under both knees for support if your hips are tight. Place your hands on the floor in front of you for support instead of using them to open your feet.

Caution : Avoid this pose if you are having a knee injury. Sit on a pillow if you suffer from sciatica.


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