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Reclined Spinal Twist - Restorative Yoga Poses #9

You can get a great amount of relief in twists. It massages your internal organs and aids in digestion. Those that have stomach issue will find twist to be very beneficial.

Reclined Spinal Twist

Sanskrit name : Jathara Parivartanasana

Recined spinal twist Jathara Parivartanasana

Benefits : Twists are a great way to massage the abdominal organs and encourage fresh flow of blood throughout the body, stimulating the body’s natural detoxification process — just like wringing out a sponge. It lengthens and encourages mobility along the spine, stretches the hips, chest, shoulders and upper back. Twists support the parasympathetic nervous system and activate the relaxation response. A great pose to help restore balance.

Set up : Lie on your back, bend your knees and open your arms out wide in a T. Slowly lower both your knees to one side, keeping your knees and feet close together, and turn your head to the other side. Press the backs of your shoulder blades down toward the mat.

Modifications / Variations : Place a bolster or block under the bottom knee for support. If the twist feels too intense, extend the bottom leg.

Caution : Avoid this pose if you suffer from degenerated discs, arthritis in the hips or spine. Pregnant women should also avoid all twists that compress the abdomen.


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