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Viparita Karani or Legs Up The Wall Pose - Restorative Yoga Poses #5

Do you have days when everything just seems to go wrong or you are stressed out to the max? These are the days when you would most likely benefit from Viparita Karani or simply legs up the wall pose.

It’s as simple as it sounds. Just put your legs up the wall for a minimum 5 minutes (we recommend 15 mins). Your body would start to relax and feel the tension and stress of the day fade away.

Legs Up The Wall

Sanskrit name : Viparita Karani

Legs Up The Wall or Viparita Karani

Benefits : This pose is a gentle inversion that eases the mind while relieving painful symptoms like tension and cramps. It is even said to have anti-aging effects. The restorative nature of this posture gets blood flowing to parts of the body that need it, making it good for most any ailment including arthritis, high or low blood pressure, respiratory ailments and menopause. It gives a gentle stretch to the hamstrings, legs and lower back. Set up : Lie in a fetal position and scoot your butt as close to a wall (or anything vertical outdoors – a tree/ lamp post, etc) as possible. Swing your legs up and straighten it out against the wall. Place your hands either by your side or over your head. Modifications / Variations : Place a blanket under your hips for more cushion support. You may opt to place a sandbag on top of your feet when they are against the wall. This weight on the legs helps release tension in the lower back. If you have enough space, you can spread your legs in a wide ‘V’ to increase the stretch in the groin and the thighs.

Caution : Avoid this pose or any inversions if you have serious eye problems such as glaucoma.


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