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Ananda Balasana or Happy Baby Pose - Restorative Yoga Poses #8

We don't call this Happy Baby pose for nothing! It's quite a common pose with babies as it helps release all sorts of tension in the body.

Try to stay in this restorative yoga pose for at least 5 minutes or more to fully gain the benefits of the pose.

Happy Baby Pose

Sanskrit name : Ananda Balasana

Happy Baby Pose

Benefits : Happy baby is a great carefree pose, making you feel just as the name suggests. The pose provides a gentle stretch to the hips, inner groins and lower back. It helps to lengthen and realign the spine, stretches the hamstrings and strengthens the arms and shoulders. It releases the spine and sacrum and is particularly beneficial in releasing or decompressing the SI (sacroiliac) joint. The pose also calms the mind and can relieve stress and fatigue.

Set up : Lie on your back with both your feet raised. Grab hold of the insides of your feet and draw your knees down the sides of your body. We want a flat spine in happy baby pose so press your tailbone down towards the floor to lengthen the spine.

Modifications / Variations : If you can’t grab hold of your feet, hold the back of your knees. You may also hold the outsides of your feet for a slightly different stretch.

Caution : This is a gentle pose and safe for most people but check with your doctor if you are pregnant or have serious knee or neck injury.


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