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Reclining Hero Pose or Supta Virasana - Restorative Yoga Poses #2

Last week we started a blog post featuring our Top 10 Restorative Yoga Poses to Relieve Stress as we understand that life can get pretty hectic sometimes.

Staying for a minimum of 5 minutes or longer if you have the time in one of these restorative yoga poses can do wonders for your physical and mental health.

This week we feature the benefits of Reclining Hero Pose or Supta Virasana as it is known in Sanskrit, and how to set it up correctly.

Reclining Hero Pose

Sanskrit name : Supta Virasana

Benefits : A slightly more intermediate pose, supta virasana gives the front of the thighs, knees, ankles, abdomen and hip flexors a fantastic deep stretch. It opens the pelvic abdomen and increases circulation to the abdominal organs, relieving digestive issues. Relieves tired legs and helps relieve menstrual pain.

Set up : Kneel on your shins and spread them enough to let your buttocks touch the floor. Roll the calves away, ensuring your hips are right between your heels. If that is too intense, sit on a block. You must be able to sit comfortably in this position before attempting to recline. If you are comfortable, recline slowly, supporting yourself with your hands and forearms until you can ease your back all the way to the floor.

Modifications / Variations : Sit on a block to raise your pelvis or have your knees wider apart. Lie back on a bolster and place an additional blanket under the head to support the neck. Use as much height as you need to make the position reasonably comfortable. Caution : Avoid this pose if you have serious knee or ankle problems. Lie on a bolster if you have lower back pain. Do not practice on a full stomach.


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