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Upavishta Konasana or Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend - Restorative Yoga Poses #7

This week we explore another restorative pose which stretches the inner thighs and opens up the hips. There are not many poses that works on the inner thighs so it's good to stay in this pose for as long as you can.

Once again, we recommend staying in this restorative yoga pose for at least 5 minutes to fully gain the benefits of the pose.

Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend

Sanskrit name : Upavishta Konasana

Wide Angle Seated Forward Bend or Upavishta Konasana

Benefits : This posture stretches the entire back, inner thighs, hamstrings, tones the legs, opens the hips and stimulates the blood flow in the pelvic region. It is one of the most useful pose for gynaecological problems because it regulates the menstrual flow and ovarian function. It calms the nervous system and can relieve sciatic pain.

Set up : Sit upright with your feet extended in front and your weight distributed evenly on both sit bones. Spread your legs wide in a V. Slowly walk your hands in front of you, keeping your spine straight. That might be enough or you could lower yourself to your forearms or all the way to the floor. Ideally, you'll keep your thighs stable and unmoving, and then roll your pelvis over them as you fold forward.

Modifications / Variations : Sit on a blanket to raise your hips and to tilt your pelvis forward. Fold into the support of a bolster.

Caution : Avoid this pose if you are suffering from a hamstring or groin tear. Also avoid if you have a lower back injury or herniated disc.


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